
Sweden, Paradise Lost: part 2 - Private Police

Sweden as a country likes to pretend it champions net freedom, but itself does the exact opposite: did you know that Sweden has given the copyright industry powers of net surveillance that even the Police don’t have?




EU agrees to share airline passenger data with US

Im never going back to the U.S of A  ...thats sad
European lawmakers agreed on Thursday to provide U.S. authorities with data on passengers flying from Europe to the United States, backing down after years of resisting a move the United States says is critical to its national security.


Julian Assange's The World Tomorrow: Hassan Nasrallah (E1)

Pre-Crime Screening WIll Never Work

Here is a quiz for you. Is predicting crime before it happens: (a) something out of Philip K. Dick's Minority Report; (b) the subject of of a Department of Homeland Security research project that has recently entered testing; (c) a terrible and dangerous idea which will inevitably be counter-productive and which will levy a high price in terms of civil liberties while providing little to no marginal security; or (d) all of the above.

background of the protests of all-European rural workers against the Ukrainian agricultural sector

   https://t.me/Slavyangrad/89595   A little about the background of the protests of all-European rural workers against...