CIA Psychologist's Notes Reveal True Purpose Behind Bush's Torture Program
Not just about obtaining intelligence. Torture was used to "exploit" detainees, that is, to break them down physically and mentally, in order to get them to "collaborate" with government authorities.
Russia Reports France Threat Against Obama Brought US Into Libya War
Report written by the Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs on the meetings held between President Medvedev and US Secretary of Defense Robert Gates this past week says that America’s war on Libya was “forced” onto it after French President Nicolas Sarkozy threatened President Barack Obama with “total exposure” if the US didn’t attack.
Report written by the Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs on the meetings held between President Medvedev and US Secretary of Defense Robert Gates this past week says that America’s war on Libya was “forced” onto it after French President Nicolas Sarkozy threatened President Barack Obama with “total exposure” if the US didn’t attack.
Khamis Gaddafi toured US military facilities weeks before Libya crisis
Khamis Gaddafi, 27, spent four weeks in the US as part of an internship with AECOM, a global infrastructure company with deep business interests in Libya, according to Paul Gennaro, AECOM's Senior Vice President for Global Communications.
His US trip was to include visits to the Port of Houston, Air Force Academy, National War College and West Point, Mr Gennaro said.
The West Point visit was cancelled on Feb 17, when the trip was cut short and Gaddafi returned to Libya, Mr Gennaro said. The uprising in Libya began with a series of protests on Feb 15.
By late February, forces controlled by Khamis Gadhafi were leading the brutal assault to retake Zawiya, a city near Tripoli that rebels captured soon after the uprising began.
Reports suggested that Khamis Gaddafi may have been killed earlier this week after a disaffected Libyan air force pilot crash-landed his jet in the ruling family's headquarters. There has been no confirmation of his death.
Suomessa havaittiin useita Ufoja tiistaina
YLE kertoo miten Pohjois-Karjalassa ja maan muissakin itäisissä osissa on havaittu tiistai-iltana (22.03.2011) outoja valoilmiöitä. Havaintoja on tehty mm. Kiteellä ja Rääkkylässä kello 20:n ja 21:n aikoihin.
German defence ministry announced Berlin had pulled out of any military operations in the Mediterranean
Who's in charge? Germans pull forces out of NATO as Libyan coalition falls apart
Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-1368693/Libya-war-Germans-pull-forces-NATO-Libyan-coalition-falls-apart.html#ixzz1HRw4pOc8
Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-1368693/Libya-war-Germans-pull-forces-NATO-Libyan-coalition-falls-apart.html#ixzz1HRw4pOc8
NWO goons shoot libyan villagers
U.S. rescue chopper shoots six Libyan villagers as they welcome pilots of downed Air Force jet
Six Libyan villagers are recovering in hospital after being shot by American soldiers coming in to rescue the U.S. pilots whose plane crash-landed in a field.
The helicopter strafed the ground as it landed in a field outside Benghazi beside the downed U.S. Air Force F-15E Eagle which ran into trouble during bombing raid last night.
And a handful of locals who had come to greet the pilots were hit - among them a young boy who may have to have a leg amputated because of injuries caused by a bullet wound.
Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-1368633/Libya-war-US-chopper-shoots-6-villagers-welcomed-Air-Force-F-15-crash-pilots.html#ixzz1HRqWtXZb
Six Libyan villagers are recovering in hospital after being shot by American soldiers coming in to rescue the U.S. pilots whose plane crash-landed in a field.
The helicopter strafed the ground as it landed in a field outside Benghazi beside the downed U.S. Air Force F-15E Eagle which ran into trouble during bombing raid last night.
And a handful of locals who had come to greet the pilots were hit - among them a young boy who may have to have a leg amputated because of injuries caused by a bullet wound.
Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-1368633/Libya-war-US-chopper-shoots-6-villagers-welcomed-Air-Force-F-15-crash-pilots.html#ixzz1HRqWtXZb
Costs of Libya Operation Already Piling Up
The first day of Operation Odyssey Dawn had a price tag that was well over $100 million for the U.S. in missiles alone. And the U.S. military, which remains in the lead now in its third day, has pumped millions more into air- and sea-launched strikes targeting air-defense sites and ground-force positions along Libya’s coastline.
British defense minister BLAH BLAH BLAH
Even though an assassination was not authorized in the United Nations' sanctioning of a no-fly zone over Libya, the British defense minister said Monday that Col. Muammar Gaddafi may end up the victim of a coalition missile anyway.
"Mission accomplished would mean the Libyan people free to control their own destiny," British Defense Secretary Liam Fox said during a recent television appearance. "This is very clear – the international community wants his regime to end and wants the Libyan people to control for themselves their own country."
International community would never allow libyan people to control their country.
They´re going to let some marionette shills to install a new puppet government.
Even though an assassination was not authorized in the United Nations' sanctioning of a no-fly zone over Libya, the British defense minister said Monday that Col. Muammar Gaddafi may end up the victim of a coalition missile anyway.
"Mission accomplished would mean the Libyan people free to control their own destiny," British Defense Secretary Liam Fox said during a recent television appearance. "This is very clear – the international community wants his regime to end and wants the Libyan people to control for themselves their own country."
International community would never allow libyan people to control their country.
They´re going to let some marionette shills to install a new puppet government.
#Bilderberg 2011, ST. Moritz, Switzerland, JUNE 9-12
Bilderberg will be gathering this year for its annual meeting at the resort city of St. Moritz, in southeastern Switzerland, June 9-12, but they will have a lot of company. St. Moritz is a short distance from Davos, the site of the regular high-priced meeting of thousands of bankers, political leaders and other notables called the World Economic Forum. But unlike at Davos, where the press is always welcome, Bilderberg still tries to maintain absolute secrecy.
Dennis Kucinich: Obama's Libya Attack An Impeachable Offense
"President Obama moved forward without Congress approving. He didn't have Congressional authorization, he has gone against the Constitution, and that's got to be said,"
MI6, Gaddafi & Labour ties
Fresh questions were raised last night about Labour’s close links with the Libyan regime after it emerged that Saif Gaddafi was given special assistance by MI6 while he was a student in London.
Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-1368026/MI6-gave-Gaddafi-s-son-London-minder-Questions-Labour-ties-Libya-playboy-Saif-given-point-man.html#ixzz1H92WDo7z
#NoAgenda #Libya
Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-1368026/MI6-gave-Gaddafi-s-son-London-minder-Questions-Labour-ties-Libya-playboy-Saif-given-point-man.html#ixzz1H92WDo7z
#NoAgenda #Libya
Libyans form human chain against airstrikes by allied forces at Gaddafi's compound
Thousands of Libyans crowded into Muammar Gaddafi's heavily fortified Bab Al-Aziziyah compound in Tripoli, which also includes military barracks, to form a human shield against possible air strikes by the allied forces.
The crowd included many women and children, who said they had family in Gaddafi's forces and had come to protect the compound from bombing, by forming a shield around it.
Gaddafi's supporters danced and sang songs quoting an often-repeated phrase in his speeches, "house by house, alley by alley." They shouted slogans and held portraits of Gaddafi, while loudspeakers boomed with songs praising the leader
The people fired defiant shots in the air after allied warplanes went into action in eastern Libya to stop the Gaddafi's forces from attacking the rebel-held city of Benghazi.
The western forces hit targets along the Libyan coast on Saturday, striking from the air and sea to force Gaddafi's troops to cease fire and end attacks on civilians, The New York Times reports.
In Misurata, the last major rebel holdout in western Libya, one person said residents were cheering the sound of air strikes. The Gaddafi forces had continued their siege on Saturday, and had cutoff of water and electricity, as they continued to fire at in the city.
Speaking on the condition of anonymity to protect his family, he said that the rebels were happy with the air strikes by the western forces against Gaddafi. (ANI)
Was market-rigging computer program Goldman's or U.S. government's?
9:10p ET Friday, March 18, 2011
Dear Friend of GATA and Gold:
As The New York Times reported today in the story appended here, the computer programmer who got caught stealing Goldman Sachs' computer code for market-rigging operations has been sentenced by a federal judge to an astonishing eight years in prison. The most telling detail about the case may be, as the Times reports seemingly without awareness, the speed with which federal agents acted against the code theft. In early June 2009, the Times reports, the programmer copied the code from the Goldman Sachs computer system to a computer system in Germany. On July 2, 2009, the programmer delivered the code to his new employer in Chicago. He was arrested by six FBI agents the following day at the airport in Newark, New Jersey. The investigation was wrapped up within a month, perhaps in less than three weeks. Would the theft of computer programming from any other company (OK, except maybe JPMorgan Chase) be pursued so vigorously by the federal government when Osama bin Laden and dozens of murderers, bank robbers, and rapists remain on the loose? And was the government really obliging Goldman Sachs here, or was it taking care of itself, the market-rigging computer program really being part of a government operation, considered a matter of national security, like another market-rigging operation, the gold price suppression scheme?
CHRIS POWELL, Secretary/Treasurer
Gold Anti-Trust Action Committee Inc.
* * *
Ex-Goldman Programmer Gets Jail Term of 8 Years for Code Theft
By Azam Ahmed
The New York Times
Friday, March 18, 2011
Dear Friend of GATA and Gold:
As The New York Times reported today in the story appended here, the computer programmer who got caught stealing Goldman Sachs' computer code for market-rigging operations has been sentenced by a federal judge to an astonishing eight years in prison. The most telling detail about the case may be, as the Times reports seemingly without awareness, the speed with which federal agents acted against the code theft. In early June 2009, the Times reports, the programmer copied the code from the Goldman Sachs computer system to a computer system in Germany. On July 2, 2009, the programmer delivered the code to his new employer in Chicago. He was arrested by six FBI agents the following day at the airport in Newark, New Jersey. The investigation was wrapped up within a month, perhaps in less than three weeks. Would the theft of computer programming from any other company (OK, except maybe JPMorgan Chase) be pursued so vigorously by the federal government when Osama bin Laden and dozens of murderers, bank robbers, and rapists remain on the loose? And was the government really obliging Goldman Sachs here, or was it taking care of itself, the market-rigging computer program really being part of a government operation, considered a matter of national security, like another market-rigging operation, the gold price suppression scheme?
CHRIS POWELL, Secretary/Treasurer
Gold Anti-Trust Action Committee Inc.
* * *
Ex-Goldman Programmer Gets Jail Term of 8 Years for Code Theft
By Azam Ahmed
The New York Times
Friday, March 18, 2011
More about Libya
World War III: One Nation at a Time
Look past the puppets and above the globalists' stage.
commentary by Tony Cartalucci
Foreign Intervention in Libya: Creation of 4th War Theater
All Out War on Libya, Surge in the Price of Crude Oil...
"Humanitarian Wars are Good for Business".... Speculators Applaud....
by Michel Chossudovsky
#Libya #NoAgenda
Look past the puppets and above the globalists' stage.
commentary by Tony Cartalucci
Foreign Intervention in Libya: Creation of 4th War Theater
All Out War on Libya, Surge in the Price of Crude Oil...
"Humanitarian Wars are Good for Business".... Speculators Applaud....
by Michel Chossudovsky
#Libya #NoAgenda
globaalin eliitin käsikassara a. stubb räksyttää ilta-sanomissa!
- Me emme voi katsoa läpi sormien, kun ihmisoikeuksia rikotaan ja ihmisiä tapetaan, Stubb sanoo.
kenen etua yk ajaa?! ei ainakaan libyan
The Libyan Rebublic - Transitional National Council
Council members
The Council is composed of thirty one (31) members representing the various regions and cities of Libya. A number of these members have been named while the names of those representing Ajdabiya, Al Kufrah, Ghat, Nalut, Misratah, Az Zintan and Az Zawiya will not be declared for safety reasons. The Council is eagerly awaiting for the naming of representatives from Central and Southern Libya and Tripoli.
1. Counselor: Mustafa Mohammed Abdul Jalil as chairman of The Council.
2. Mr. Othman Suleiman El-Megyrahi (Batnan Area)
3. Mr. Ashour Hamed Bourashed (Darna City)
4. Dr. Abdelallah Moussa El-myehoub (Qouba Area)
5. Mr. Zubiar Ahmed El-Sharif (Representative of the political prisoners)
6. Mr. Ahmed Abduraba Al-Abaar (Benghazi City)
7. Mr.Dr. Fathi Mohamed Baja (Benghazi City)
8. Mr. Abdelhafed Abdelkader Ghoga (Benghazi City)
9. Mr Fathi Tirbil and Dr. Salwa Fawzi El-Deghali (Representative of youth and women)
Domain ID:D161690458-LROR
Created On:06-Mar-2011 12:00:18 UTC
Last Updated On:07-Mar-2011 20:53:49 UTC
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Council members
The Council is composed of thirty one (31) members representing the various regions and cities of Libya. A number of these members have been named while the names of those representing Ajdabiya, Al Kufrah, Ghat, Nalut, Misratah, Az Zintan and Az Zawiya will not be declared for safety reasons. The Council is eagerly awaiting for the naming of representatives from Central and Southern Libya and Tripoli.
1. Counselor: Mustafa Mohammed Abdul Jalil as chairman of The Council.
2. Mr. Othman Suleiman El-Megyrahi (Batnan Area)
3. Mr. Ashour Hamed Bourashed (Darna City)
4. Dr. Abdelallah Moussa El-myehoub (Qouba Area)
5. Mr. Zubiar Ahmed El-Sharif (Representative of the political prisoners)
6. Mr. Ahmed Abduraba Al-Abaar (Benghazi City)
7. Mr.Dr. Fathi Mohamed Baja (Benghazi City)
8. Mr. Abdelhafed Abdelkader Ghoga (Benghazi City)
9. Mr Fathi Tirbil and Dr. Salwa Fawzi El-Deghali (Representative of youth and women)
Domain ID:D161690458-LROR
Created On:06-Mar-2011 12:00:18 UTC
Last Updated On:07-Mar-2011 20:53:49 UTC
Expiration Date:06-Mar-2013 12:00:18 UTC
Sponsoring Registrar:Mesh Digital Limited (R1728-LROR)
Registrant ID:MNTC8B1063123
Registrant Name:Identity Protection Service
Registrant Organization:Identity Protect Limited
Registrant Street1:PO BOX 1125
Registrant Street2:
Registrant Street3:
Registrant City:Guildford
Registrant State/Province:Surrey
Registrant Postal Code:GU1 9LU
Registrant Country:GB
Registrant Phone:+44.1483307527
Registrant Phone Ext.:
Registrant FAX:+44.1483304031
Registrant FAX Ext.:
Registrant Email:
Admin ID:MNTC8B1063123
Admin Name:Identity Protection Service
Admin Organization:Identity Protect Limited
Admin Street1:PO BOX 1125
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Admin City:Guildford
Admin State/Province:Surrey
Admin Postal Code:GU1 9LU
Admin Country:GB
Admin Phone:+44.1483307527
Admin Phone Ext.:
Admin FAX:+44.1483304031
Admin FAX Ext.:
Admin Email:
Tech ID:MNTC8B1063123
Tech Name:Identity Protection Service
Tech Organization:Identity Protect Limited
Tech Street1:PO BOX 1125
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Tech City:Guildford
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Tech Postal Code:GU1 9LU
Tech Country:GB
Tech Phone:+44.1483307527
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Tech FAX:+44.1483304031
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Saif al-Gaddafi 'wants money back from Sarkozy'
now i see why that french criminal president sarkozy wants to carpetbomb libya back to stoneage.
Feds after celebrity hacker ring
High School Musical star Vanessa Hudgens met with police yesterday to discuss her latest nude photo scandal.
The actress, 22, is 'deeply upset and angered' after photos taken several years ago were leaked onto an internet site.
The Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) have been called into investigate because they believe Hudgens is just one of many celebrity victims of a hacker ring.
Sotilaallis-teollinen kompleksi suomessa
Volanen väittää, että armeija ja poliisi ovat karanneet Suomessa hallituksen valvonnasta. Erityisesti sotilaat ovat vieneet poliitikoilta valtaa ja alkaneet johtaa itse itseään.
Police arrest hundreds around the world in connection with the world’s largest pedophile network
THE HAGUE (BNO NEWS) -- Police have arrested a 37-year-old Dutch man on suspicion of running what is believed to be the world's largest online pedophile network, a police spokeswoman said on Tuesday.
The 37-year-old man was arrested in November 2009 and is suspected of running an international pedophile forum involving more than 60,000 members. It is believed to be the world's largest network of its kind and the international investigation lasted more than 3 years.
The operation was led by the the European Police Office (EUROPOL) and hundreds of arrests have been made in the United States, the United Kingdom, Brazil, Italy, Australia and other nations.
(More to come.)
(Copyright 2011 by BNO News B.V. All rights reserved. Info: sales@bnonews.com.)
The 37-year-old man was arrested in November 2009 and is suspected of running an international pedophile forum involving more than 60,000 members. It is believed to be the world's largest network of its kind and the international investigation lasted more than 3 years.
The operation was led by the the European Police Office (EUROPOL) and hundreds of arrests have been made in the United States, the United Kingdom, Brazil, Italy, Australia and other nations.
(More to come.)
(Copyright 2011 by BNO News B.V. All rights reserved. Info: sales@bnonews.com.)
THE HAGUE (BNO NEWS) -- Hundreds of people have been arrested in the United States, the UK, Brazil, Italy, Australia and other nations in connection with the world's largest pedophile network, Dutch police say.
(Copyright 2011 by BNO News B.V. All rights reserved. Info: sales@bnonews.com.)
(Copyright 2011 by BNO News B.V. All rights reserved. Info: sales@bnonews.com.)
Cyber police is here - Consequences will never be the same!
ASIO has created a unit to combat cyber spying, in the latest move by government to protect Australia's online networks.
remember this? :D
remember this? :D
Murdoch reporter 'hired computer hacker'
A senior journalist at Rupert Murdoch's News of the World allegedly paid a private investigator to hack into the computer of a former intelligence officer.
Jeffrey Epstein, “Queen Bee” and other fucking disgusting lying elite perverts!
‘She told us that although Mr Epstein and she were a couple, we would see lots of beautiful girls passing in and out, but that was his nature.
‘She said that he gets what he wants but that she was always the “Queen Bee” and the one in charge.
Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-1365733/How-Prince-Andrew-shared-room-Epsteins-Caribbean-hideaway-busty-blonde-claimed-brain-surgeon.html#ixzz1GTvGH0Oa
there must be shitloads of blackmailing material about these peeps in highplaces .. so who really pulls the strings??
Japan Tsunami Caused by HAARP?
HAARP was turned on at approximately 0:00 hours 9 March, 2011 UTC
Western Bankers Threatened Japan with HAARP Eco-Destruction a Year Before China Quakes
Homeland Security operation offered "sex tourism"
Department of Homeland Security last year launched an undercover web site that purported to arrange trips from the U.S. to Canada, where clients could engage in sexual activity with minors
COW FLU......
ANIMAL health experts in Scotland are investigating how to control a fatal wasting virus in cows amid fears it could be passed on to humans.
The capital of hell
During the Mubarak era the state security HQ in Nasr city had this infamous reputation not only inside the country but also outside it. Its international infamousness was recognized when it turned out that the Bush administration used its secret cells and also the expertise of its infamous officers to interrogate its illegal detainees during its unholy war on terrorism.
The Egyptians called that big building in Nasr city district “The capital of hell” and you can imagine why Egyptians called it like that. A scary building any taxi driver will tell you horror stories about it and about the secret underground prison cells and torture rooms...
The Egyptians called that big building in Nasr city district “The capital of hell” and you can imagine why Egyptians called it like that. A scary building any taxi driver will tell you horror stories about it and about the secret underground prison cells and torture rooms...
Charles Taylor is right ...
"this was not a trial at all" and that the prosecution was political.
Mr Taylor has long claimed that he was tried because powerful countries such as the US and the UK wanted him out of office in Liberia.
Mr Griffiths said justice should be applied equally to all and asked why Libya's leader Colonel Muammar Gaddafi was not in the dock.
Charles Taylor's Sierra Leone war crimes trial attacked
Toimittaja Bettina Sågbom
European Parliamentarians vote to boost their expenses - again
The decision will increase the overall parliamentary budget by almost 13.25 million euros this year.
Philadelphia Priest Blames Aliens for Why He Abused Children!
A Philadelphia area priest has been arrested for sexually abusing as many as 20 young males over a 15 year period. The priest told police that he was visited by aliens sent from God and was told that it was his mission to perform these sexual acts!
Israel, Global CST and Lybia :)
Israeli arms distribution company Global CST has reportedly, under the authorization of Tel Aviv, provided Libyan ruler Muammar Gaddafi with African mercenaries to clamp down on anti-government protesters.
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