
Bush, Blair, Rumsfeld, Cheney & co Found GUILTY

 Testimony showed that Abbas Abid, a 48-year-old chief engineer in the Science and Technology Ministry had his fingernails removed by pliers. Ali Shalal was attached with bare electrical wires and electrocuted and hung from the wall...
...prosecution showed in an in depth submission how the decision-makers at the highest level President Bush, Vice-President Cheney, Secretary of Defence Rumsfeld, aided and abetted by the lawyers and the other commanders and CIA officials – all acted in concert. Torture was systematically applied and became an accepted norm...



100,000 to Die at the London Olympics ?

some interesting news articles

Syrian officials say that the escalation proves that nations like Saudi Arabia are participating in backing the terrorist factions.Russian officials declined to name any specific nation, but seemed to concur with the assessment, saying that certain nations were “doing practical things so that the situation in Syria explodes in a literal and figurative sense.” Chinese officials likewise expressed opposition to the “outside military intervention.” 

European e-identity plan to be unveiled this month 
Authorities in Europe are ready to lay out plans to introduce an electronic identity system across Europe, with the proposals to be unveiled at the end of this month.
Can chemtrails save us from global warming?
“We don’t know how bad this is going to be, and we don’t know when it is going to get bad,’



aangirfan: MURDERED SPIES: GCHQ. Top US and UK spies have died in mysterious circumstances. Did they know too much about links between the security services and arms ...

background of the protests of all-European rural workers against the Ukrainian agricultural sector

   https://t.me/Slavyangrad/89595   A little about the background of the protests of all-European rural workers against...